Friday, May 10, 2013

Forest Glen Update

The roads have been snow free for a few weeks now.  The warm weather is rapidly melting the snow on the south facing slopes, and the front side of Forest Glen is down to about 10% snow coverage.  I’ll be planting grass seed this weekend! The weather has been relatively dry and there continues to be some run-off from the snow banks to erode the roads, but they are remarkably firm and relatively mud free.  The north side of our cabins still has very deep snow.  Paul plowed the A roads this week.  The ski resorts still have a lot of snow coverage with only a few bare spots poking through, so mountain bike season is still at least a few weeks away.  It’s a bluebird day today and it’s gorgeous up here.

These pictures are of Windflower and Forest Glen Roads, the bottom left shows where Paul plowed A

Don Pickard 12325 E Skyline View Lane