Thursday, June 11, 2015


The Forest Glen A water system upgrade began with exploratory digging to locate existing water lines (B+C included) this morning, and they could damage our line while locating it. Please be advised that there is a small chance of service interruptions when they are digging near our transmission line. 

Monday, June 1, 2015

Water Testing Update

On May 28th we were informed that Utah DDW received the results of the MPA test done several weeks ago which show our water collection system has a low risk of surface water contamination. We will have an official follow up letter in the near future, and this should get us off the radar for a while.
This extremely good news is likely the result of our finding the leak/replacing the A overflow line last year…and means we don’t have to look at more extensive water treatment options at this time. 
Thank you to all who supported and participated in that effort!

Annual Meeting Update

The annual meeting held Thursday, May 14th was well-attended and an enjoyable get-together! A draft of the minutes is on the website at As a reminder, because of the public nature of our website, individuals' names have been removed. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact a member of the Board or send an email to
The amended Bylaws and Rules & Procedures documents, which passed, are also available on the website.
Thanks to all who participated!