Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Neighborhood Work Day

Saturday, June 21
Meet at Curtis' at 9 AM
Lunch at NOON at the Burtons'
Everyone welcome! Come join your neighbors as we help fill pot holes, do a little weeding, and help with whatever else is needed.  Then join us for lunch at the Burton’s (lot B-08).  Pleasant conversation and camaraderie a natural bonus!

Mountain Accord

Mountain Accord website:

Also, we received our clean up assignment for the highway at the BCCA meeting. Greg has the orange bags. This could be a good activity for the children at the annual clean up. We are in charge of Guardsman Pass road from the main highway up to FG A.

Annual Meeting Follow-up

May 14, 2014
To All Forest Glen B/C Owners:
Thanks to all owners who were able to attend our annual meeting last week. Thanks to Tricia Burton and Craig Hale for providing the desserts and refreshments. Congratulations to Carolyn Keigley and Tricia Burton who were re-elected to the Board and to Marko Pala who was elected to replace Alex Wheeler. Thanks to Alex for his years of service and we hope he will return at some time in the future. 
The proposed budget was approved and the Board will keep owners updated on spending throughout the year. Owners are invited to attend Board meetings. Meeting dates and times are posted on our website: www. forestglenbc.com/. Our next Board meeting is scheduled for June 19th, 2014, 6:30 at the Brighton Fire station. Owners’ feedback will be added as an agenda item for all future Board meetings. 
Please save the date of June 21st for our annual work day. Meet at Curtis’ cabin at 9:00 am for breakfast. Lunch will be at the Burton’s.

Forest Glen B/C Board