Dear Forest Glen Neighbor,
As we consider potential neighborhood improvements, a HOA Board member will be calling you to get your opinions. This will be for informational purposes only: non-binding; not a vote. If you prefer, you may also submit your opinion via email.
The following improvements have been identified and members have researched estimated project costs. Clearly, you will find some projects more desirable and timely than others. Note that none are absolutely required at this time. Please rate them on a scale of 1 to 3, ( 1=not desired, 2= undecided and 3= desired. For your #3, desired projects, let us know if it is a high or low priority for our timeline.
Here’s a heads up to prepare you for the call:
Suggested Improvement
Total Cost
Cost per Lot
Timeline Priority- high or low?
1. Paving road from gate to hill
2. Paving entire road
3. Regrading hill on Skyline View Lane
4. Drainage ditches
5. Phase 3 of the waterline master plan (additional storage)
6. Dust control – annually
7. Moving power line at the gate (to provide sufficient clearance for delivery and construction vehicles)
8. Burying power lines throughout neighborhood
9. Remote water meter readers to facilitate finding system leaks
$95 per cabin
Additional questions that the Board member will be asking you include:
1. How would you prefer to fund a project?
- Pay by an assessment per project, when necessary; OR
- Use annual dues to fund prioritized projects, as the budget allows
1. Does your cabin have a sprinkler system for fire? Yes / No
2. Do you have water storage tank? Yes / No Gallons ________
3. How deeply buried is the current line? _____________________________________
4. What material is the pipe? __________________________________
5. Has your water line frozen in the past? Yes / N
1. Do you use the roads in the summer? Yes / No
If yes, are you satisfied with the road condition? Yes / No
If no, what do you feel is required?__________________________________
WINTER ROADS/PARKING (deep breath!):
Our community is growing and changing. Six new cabins have been added in the last few years, 5 cabins have been sold to new owners, and more families and their guests are using their cabins in the winter. The number of cars has increased over time.
Here are some facts. Guardsman Pass Road holds only 15 safely parked cars. Full time residents have 17 cars. More than 25 additional cars could arrive for weekends and vacations. A small group of 23 owners paid for plowing the subdivision that reduced the need for Guardsman Pass parking slots and enabled access to all.
For your information, here are the winter costs:
- Forest Glen B/C roads: $300 x 23 cabins = $6900 (paid to-date by private group)
- Guardsman Pass Road and entrance: $2690 (paid to-date by HOA)
- Estimated total cost for an average winter: $10,000 to $12,000 ($169/lot)
- Estimated cost for high snowfall (2010/11): $16,000 to $22,000 ($310/lot)
Note: If paid by HOA fees, these costs would not require an increase in dues, but would lower the amount saved for future improvement projects.
1. Do you feel that the Board should be responsible for solving the winter parking problems? Yes / No (circle one)
2. Have you or a guest/family member used the winter road at least once with a car?
3. Should the HOA pay for winter parking or should a private group pay for it…..
3a. For subdivision roads: HOA or private group (circle one)
3b. For Guardsman Pass Road: HOA or private group (circle one)
Beginning in 2007 with the Water Projects, our HOA has handled significantly more money than in previous years. With the advice of a CPA, the Board has researched two options for increased financial accountability:
- A full "Audited Financial Statement" will cost $18,000 for the years 2007 through 2012 which would include special assessments, HOA fees, and expenditures during this time period.
- An "Agreed Upon Procedures" for the two Water Phase Projects would cost $3,900 which would include auditing only the special assessment monies for the years 2007 through 2012.
- Do you support spending HOA funds on Option 1? Option 2? Neither? (Circle One)
1. Do you feel one HOA meeting annually is sufficient? Yes / No
If no, how often would you like meetings? 2x per yr.? 4X per year? (Circle One)
OTHER: Any other comments/suggestions?
Thank you. As the Board considers long term plans for Forest Glen B&C, your responses will help ensure decisions are in the best interests of residents.
Sincerely, Board of Directors, Forest Glen B&C